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About This Tool

Moveworks is an AI-powered platform that helps large enterprises resolve workplace requests quickly and efficiently. With Moveworks, employees can get help with IT issues, software provisioning, and other tasks without having to wait on hold or submit a ticket. Moveworks uses natural language understanding and machine learning to understand user requests and resolve them in real time. This frees up IT and HR teams to focus on more strategic work, while improving the employee experience.

Some of the benefits of using Moveworks include

Faster resolution of workplace requests Moveworks can resolve common requests in seconds, freeing up employees and IT teams to focus on more important tasks.

Improved employee experience Moveworks provides a more personalized and conversational experience for employees, making it easier for them to get the help they need.

Reduced IT costs Moveworks can help reduce IT costs by automating tasks and freeing up IT staff to focus on more strategic work.

Moveworks is a powerful tool that can help large enterprises improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their IT and HR departments. By automating tasks and providing a more personalized experience for employees, Moveworks can help businesses save time and money, while improving the employee experience

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