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About This Tool

Xembly is an AI-powered tool that helps you schedule meetings. With Xembly, you can get help with tasks such as finding available meeting times, inviting participants, and keeping track of meeting notes.

Xembly also offers a variety of other features, such as:

Meeting scheduling: Xembly can help you find available meeting times by taking into account the schedules of all participants.

Meeting invitation: Xembly can help you invite participants to meetings by sending them email invitations with all the necessary information.

Meeting notes: Xembly can help you keep track of meeting notes by taking notes during the meeting and making them available to all participants after the meeting.

Xembly is a powerful platform that can help you schedule meetings quickly and easily. With Xembly, you can get help with a variety of tasks, so you can focus on the most important things.

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