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  • ChatGPT Plugin
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About This Tool

ZenGen is a GPT specially developed with the intuitive purpose of generating Zen koans and correlating images aimed at facilitating its users in achieving reflection. This AI tool takes into consideration any problem or challenge faced by its user, for example physical discomfort like back pain, habits such as oversleeping or struggles to visit the gym, or feelings of needing to maintain perfection. It then employs these concerns to generate responses in the form of Zen koan phrases and related visuals designed to provoke introspection and contemplation. Created by Fabian von Feilitzsch, ZenGen is an innovative resource designed for individuals seeking an AI-mediated path towards mindfulness and self-awareness. To utilize ZenGen's capabilities, users need to sign up to ChatGPT Plus. ZenGen, in essence, marries Zen wisdom and mindfulness practices with AI technology, making it a unique application built as an extension on top of ChatGPT. Notably, the tool weeks to trigger reflection and mindful thought through generation of Zen koans, demonstrating a novel application of generative pre-training model capabilities. It's important to note that ZenGen operates optimally with user engagement, meaning inputs or problem prompts from users drive the tool's capability to generate relevant Zen koans and images.

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